New Mission, New Handbooks

Parents, we now have three separate handbooks for Lower, Middle, and Upper School. The revisions reflect each school's new mission statement and how they function to support the overall mission.

NOTE: For the time being, the two 5-day PK grades fall under the Lower School Handbook and the 2-day Early Education classes will follow the old MDO handbook.

Mission Statement of Ovilla Christian School
Ovilla Christian School will cultivate an environment in which followers of Christ may flourish as they become biblical thinkers, lifelong learners, and servant leaders.

Upper School Mission
The Upper School of Ovilla Christian School will provide opportunities and guidance by challenging students in academics as well as athletics competition and the fine arts for learning, service, and leadership within a biblical framework to the glory of Jesus Christ.

Middle School Mission
The Middle School of Ovilla Christian School will provide opportunities and structures for training students in the imitation of Christ as self-disciplined, thoughtful followers preparing for engagement with the world.

Lower School Mission
The Lower School of Ovilla Christian School will provide opportunities and routines to develop habits as well as the foundational knowledge and skills to love learning and to know God’s plan of redemption through His Word.

We are a ministry of Ovilla Road Baptist Church and we partner with parents who understand that they are the primary disciplers of their children. As our partner, we invite you to read over the handbooks. They are available in the Links section of ParentSquare:

  • App: go to More (three dots at the bottom right) and tap Links. Scroll to see all the links we have shared with our community, including the handbooks.

  • Browser: click View All in the Links panel on the right.

Email OCS Office to request the password to view the handbooks.

Thank you for entrusting your students to our care.

Penny ​Hayes M.Ed.
Head of School