Name Changes

The conclusion of the current school year is approaching, and the administration is working hard to plan for the 22-23 school year at Ovilla Christian. It is a joy to witness the growth of students across this current school year, and we eagerly anticipate some meaningful improvements to OCS in the coming year.

Opposition to a Biblical lens for looking at life has always existed, and our current cultural moment is nothing new. In Acts 17, Paul speaks to the polytheistic citizens of Athens and provides a beautiful example for us of speaking into the culture with truth. As parents, we have a responsibility to shepherd how our children are being formed by evaluating the news, media, and books they consume and who they spend time with. Our responsibility as OCS school administration is no different; we work to develop a faculty that will winsomely communicate Biblical truth as they teach math, science, language arts, history, and every other curricular and extracurricular activity that is a part of our program.

It is my assessment that some significant changes to our program are needed if we are to continue to provide an environment that cultivates human flourishing as God intended.

In my responsibility to oversee the curriculum of the school, I compare and contrast contemporary education models, from the progressive education models of the public schools to the classical models with their roots in timeless virtues and traditions. By its very nature, progressive education seeks to reflect society and prepare students for anticipated changes in society as humans solve problems and improve the world. Yet Jesus prayed ”They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” (John 17:16) So there we find the first of many problems with a Christian school with a progressive model, our perspective for students is that this world is not their home. We have an eternal perspective. We must carefully consider the implications of raising children to be in the world but not of the world. For a private Christian school, any education model must be examined in light of truth as it is laid out in the Word of God. 

It is my assessment that some significant changes to our program are needed if we are to continue to provide an environment that cultivates human flourishing as God intended. We are committed to making choices that flow out of the eternal, inerrant word of God, and we will take our stand on the truth in opposition to educational trends and models which provide obstacles to the full flourishing God intends for each of his children as we walk in obedience with him. This current moment in history has its own challenges to which we must respond for the excellence we desire for our students. 

Shifts in curriculum and pedagogy will begin to be implemented this fall. As we take these steps, we are distancing ourselves from progressive education and pressing into our identity as an institution of Christ-centered education. We will be sharing more information as we make final decisions and as the new school year approaches, but we want to now introduce a change in terminology here at OCS. The grades of PreK through 5th grade will become the Lower School, and we will be phasing out the use of the term elementary. Grades 6-8 will be the Middle School, and this program will be separated from grades 9-12. These grades of 9-12 will be called Upper School, and we will transition away from the terminology of high school. These three distinct programs will help us with the revision of our thinking and approaches to better serve student developmental, social, academic, and spiritual needs. We are adopting the terminology of many high-excellence private schools as we envision and work toward our future. 

I want to draw your attention to this upcoming change to bring you alongside us as we labor every day to show Jesus to our students. OCS does not provide a "Christianized" version of public school. Although we welcome opportunities to share the great news about Christ's life, death, and resurrection with our students, we are not primarily an evangelistic school. We exist to partner with parents who understand that they are responsible for the discipleship of their children by submitting to a local church body for their own personal discipleship so that they might become more like Jesus themselves. We are “raising the bar” at OCS, and we invite your family to join us as we seek depth, integrity, and transformation in Christian education. 

Penny Hayes M.Ed.
Head of School